Ubuntu Commands Quick Reference and Cheatsheet for Developers

navya , Credit to  volkotech-solutions Nov 20
Cheat sheet of Ubuntu commands for beginners Banner Image

Linux is a free & open-source platform for multi-threading applications, here is the list of Ubuntu terminal commands for the beginner to have productive work practice.

So here are some basic commands of Ubuntu that can help you to interact with your Linux machines. For a get explanation of most important commands and usage, please visit this link https://mycode.blog/search?keys=ubuntu

Handbook of Ubutnu terminal commands

Handbook of Ubutnu terminal commandsYou can get the commands here

#change directory
#print working directory
#list current file/folder
#removes empty directory										
#removes recursivly									
rmdir -r	
#gives the terminal history								
#displays file system							
#displays directory usage								
#gives wide range of basic informatation about file system											
#gives the available free space							
#displays the manual page									
#can able to edit the file in the terminal itself									
cat >> filename			
#creates a blank space between two lines in a text					
cat -b	
#gives number to every line									
cat -n	
#removes extra blank spaces								
cat -s   		
#gives all the cat commands and their use						
man cat			
#access the root user							
sudo -s
#lists home directories							
ls ~	
#lists one step abouve the command								
ls ..	
#prints all the extended files							
#prints all the files that has .html extension									
#creates a symbolic link						
ln -s ~/source path ~/destinatation path	
#for installing applicatation
sudo apt-get install <applicationName>	
#for installing packages	
sudo apt install <packageName>	
#for creating file			
touch <fileName>	
#read file						
cat <fileName>	
#update file using nano editor
sudo nano <fileName>
#updating file using vim editor					
sudo vim <fileName>
#removes empty file							
rm <fileName> - empty	
#removes non empty file					
rm -rf <fileName> -not empty
#creates folder				
mkdir <folderName>	
#Read the file						
ls <folderName> 
#read the file along with permissions							
Ls -al <folderName> 	
#update folder using cp					
cp <sourcefile> <destinationfile>
#updates folder using mv			
mv <sourcefile> <destinationfile>	
#removes folder		
rm -rf <folderName>	
#creates user -basic command						
useradd [options] nameOfUser	
#creates user and set password			
sudo useradd -m nameOfUser -p password	
#avoids created user name in login window	
sudo usermod -L nameOfUser		
#goes to created user folder			
cd /home/createdusername	
#create group				
sudo groupadd groupName	
#read group					
grep groupName /etc/group		
#add users in group			
sudo usermod -a -G groupName nameOfUser	
#gives user position	
groups userName		
#updating file permissions with numeric method						
chmod [user][group][others] fileName/userpath	
#updatating file permissions with symbolic method
chmod [role]= symbols+operatations fileName	
#changes the user of a file
chown userName fileName/folderName	
#changes both user and file		
chown userName:groupName fileName/folderName
#kill the processor - donot practise this
kill processorid	
#to kill processor forcibly						
kill -KILL 								




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