mysqldump is a simple and straightforward method to backup MySQL databases by creating a .sql file of the database which can be restored to any empty MySQL database.
Login to the Mysql database:
Login to the MySQL database by using the following command,
$ mysql -u root -p
Enter Password:
and enter your database password then log into your database.

Check existing databases and tables:
To check existing databases and a list of tables related to a particular database by using the following commands,
$ show databases;
$ use database_name;
$ show tables;
here dsatabase_name is the name of the database present in your MySQL database.
For example database name is project1.
$ show databases;
$ use project1;
$ show tables;
Back up the database:
Using the following command, make a backup of the database.
$ mkdir backupfolder
$ cd backupfolder
$ mysqldump -u [username] –p [database_name] > [dump_file.sql]
Enter Password:
Then enter your database password.
[username] - root MySQL username.
[database_name] - The name of the database you want to back up.
[dump_file.sql] - The name of the backup dump file.
For example,
$ mkdir databasebackup
$ cd databasebackup
$ mysqldump -u root –p project1 > backup_project1.sql
Enter Password:
After generating the above commands the .sql file is stored in the backup folder.
Restore the database backup:
Restore the backup to a local database server the Mysql command allows you to immediately restore the contents of a.sql file backup to a database. Using the following command, restore a backup of the database.
$ mysql -u [username] –p [database_name] < [dump_file.sql]
Then enter your database password.
[username] - root MySQL username.
[database_name] - The name of the database you want to restore.
[dump_file.sql] - The name of the backup dump file.
For example existing databases,
$ mysql -u root –p project1 < backup_project1.sql
Enter Password:
For example new database,
$ mysql -u root -p
Enter passowrd:
mysql>create database project2;
mysql>use project2;
$ mysql -u root –p project2 < backup_project1.sql
Enter Password:
After generating the above command restore the database by using the .sql file from the backup folder.
This blog explains how to backup and restore the MySQL database on ubuntu Linux.