One of the most widely used and renowned code editors is Visual Studio Code (VS Code). It is both open-source and cost-free. Additionally, it offers support for a wide variety of languages and frameworks, whether through built-in functions or the huge library of editor extensions.

You can get the VS code shortcuts keys here
Ctrl + Shift + P, F1
<!--Show Command Palette -->
Ctrl + P
<!--Quick Open, Go to File -->
Ctrl + Shift + N
<!-- New window/instance -->
Ctrl + Shift + W
<!-- Close window/instance -->
Ctrl + ,
<!-- User Settings -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + S
<!-- Keyboard Shortcuts -->
Ctrl + X
<!-- Cut line (empty selection) -->
Ctrl + C
<!-- Copy line (empty selection) -->
Alt + ↑ / ↓
<!-- Move line up/down -->
Shift + Alt + ↓ / ↑
<!-- Copy line up/down -->
Ctrl + Shift + K
<!-- Delete line -->
Ctrl + Enter
<!-- Insert line below -->
Ctrl + Shift + Enter
<!-- Insert line above -->
Ctrl + Shift + \
<!-- Jump to matching bracket -->
Ctrl + ] / [
<!-- Indent/outdent line -->
Home / End
<!-- Go to beginning/end of line -->
Ctrl + Home
<!-- Go to beginning of file -->
Ctrl + End
<!-- Go to end of file -->
Ctrl + ↑ / ↓
<!-- Scroll line up/down -->
Alt + PgUp / PgDn
<!-- Scroll page up/down -->
Ctrl + Shift + [
<!-- Fold (collapse) region -->
Ctrl + Shift + ]
<!-- Unfold (uncollapse) region -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + [
<!-- Fold (collapse) all subregions -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + ]
<!-- Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 0
<!-- Fold (collapse) all regions -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + J
<!-- Unfold (uncollapse) all regions -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + C
<!-- Add line comment -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + U
<!-- Remove line comment -->
Ctrl + /
<!-- Toggle line comment -->
Shift + Alt + A
<!-- Toggle block comment -->
Alt + Z
<!-- Toggle word wrap -->
Ctrl + T
<!-- Show all Symbols -->
Ctrl + G
<!-- Go to Line... -->
Ctrl + P
<!-- Go to File... -->
Ctrl + Shift + O
<!-- Go to Symbol... -->
Ctrl + Shift + M
<!-- Show Problems panel -->
<!-- Go to next error or warning -->
Shift + F8
<!-- Go to previous error or warning -->
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
<!-- Navigate editor group history -->
Alt + ← / →
<!-- Go back / forward -->
Ctrl + M
<!-- Toggle Tab moves focus -->
Ctrl + F
<!-- Find -->
Ctrl + H
<!-- Replace. -->
F3 / Shift + F3
<!-- Find next/previous -->
Alt + Enter
<!-- Select all occurences of Find match -->
Ctrl + D
<!-- Add selection to next Find match -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + D
<!-- Move last selection to next Find match -->
Alt + C / R / W
<!-- Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word -->
Ctrl + N
<!-- New File -->
Ctrl + O
<!-- Open File -->
Ctrl + S
<!-- Save -->
Ctrl + Shift + S
<!-- Save All -->
Ctrl + F4
<!-- Close -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + W
<!-- Close All -->
Ctrl + Shift + T
<!-- Reopen closed editor -->
Ctrl + K Enter
<!-- Keep preview mode editor open -->
Ctrl + Tab
<!-- Open next -->
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
<!-- Open previous -->
Ctrl + K P
<!-- Copy path of active file -->
Ctrl + K R
<!-- Reveal active file in Explorer -->
Ctrl + K O
<!-- Show active file in new window/instance -->
<!-- Toggle breakpoint -->
<!-- Start/Continue -->
Shift + F5
<!-- Stop -->
F11 / Shift + F11
<!-- Step into/out -->
<!-- Step over -->
Ctrl + K Ctrl + I
<!-- Show hover -->